Wednesday, February 13, 2013

100 Days and Still Going!

Welcome!  We've passed the hundredth day of school for this year!  We've done a lot, and I'm proud of the progress your students have been making!

In reading we sorted words into words with short vowel sounds and long vowel sounds.

We did story problems in math using each other as "counters."

We made clouds in jars while learning about the water cycle.

More recently, we've been learning about graphing in math.  We have been both filling in graphs and using graphs to solve problems.  Be watching for a tooth graph soon!

We just finished our unit on Hawaii yesterday, and the verdict is in:  14 of 17 present 1st and 2nd graders love Spam!  We learned that Hawaii is the largest consumer of Spam.  We also tried some sweet and sour sauce over rice.  Make sure to ask your students why the Union Jack is in the Hawaiian flag!

We will be starting Italy soon.  I'm very excited because of the opportunity to talk about how we vote for a new Pope.  It's a great teaching opportunity!

We have recently finished talking about weather in both science and Spanish.  The students have done a great job learning how the water cycle works and how to stay safe in many types of weather.

You may have noticed some worksheets coming home printed on scrap paper.  We have recently run low on paper, so I am trying to use some of our one-sided scrap paper when I can.  If your students says that he/she does not have to do that side, it's quite likely true!