Tuesday, November 13, 2012

One Quarter Down!

The end of first quarter is always a crazy time because it's around Halloween, All Saints' Day, and the end of Daylight Savings Time.  Whew!  Halloween is a great time to do some fun art projects.  We decorated our rooms with spiders and ghosts!

 Of course, we had to try on our spiders as hats before we could hang them up!

We also had a lot of fun trying to keep ice frozen!

 Can you figure out what our new favorite pose is? 

In Spanish, we've been learning different food words.  We learned to play "Vaya a la pesca" which means "Go Fish!"  They do a wonderful job of pronouncing their words correctly!

In Social Studies we've been learning about Japan.  Mrs. Evers has volunteered to come into class and talk to use about Japan, and we're very excited!  I make something called a Prezi for each country we study.  This is a presentation I use to teach about the country.  Click here to see what we've been learning about!

Please remember to send new "emergency clothes" to school with your students if you haven't done so already!

Have a great day!

Ms. Hermus